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How to Make a Hotel Room Romantic

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We have all seen those movie scenes, haven’t we? The loving couple kisses passionately on the way up in the elevator, walks along the wide, well-lit, plush corridor and unlocks the room with a swift swipe of the room key-card.

Their eyes fall straight onto a sumptuously made-up bed, with a silky cover, champagne in an ice-bucket close at hand, and roses, roses everywhere! Petals on the bed, roses in vases all over the room, romance bursting from everywhere!

Can real life ever compete with this ideal? There are ways to make a hotel room romantic, even on a relatively tight budget. Read on for some romantic ideas for hotel rooms:

Ask The Hotel

When you are making your hotel room booking, ask to speak to the manager and explain to them that it is a special occasion and ask if they have ways to make a hotel room romantic.

It may be that the manager has everything that is needed for a romantic hotel room setup, and he or she might be quite happy to produce a special bed cover, make sure the whole room is in good condition, and even spring for some lovely flowers and a bottle of wine and some glasses.

If you are wondering how to make a hotel room romantic, asking the manager should always be your first step.

Flower Delivery

If the manager cannot help in the flower department, do not take a chance on being able to find a good florist close to the hotel, especially if you have travelled to enjoy your romantic night together.

Instead, once the hotel room has been booked and confirmed, arrange a delivery of a beautiful arrangement of flowers, to be delivered while you are checking in.

This will ensure the flowers are in good condition and that the bouquet is as big and beautiful as you might like.

Bottle of Wine

Likewise, buy a bottle or two of your partner’s favourite wine to make sure that you can both enjoy a glass while you are exploring the room, or enjoying some room service before things get… even more romantic!


Play some relaxing music to set the mood. It can be any style you both enjoy, as long as it’s mellow and helps create a sexy ambience! Bring a portable bluetooth speaker and have a playlist or select few albums ready to play to fill up the room with a nice atmosphere.

Stay Toasty

Date night is all about getting intimate and there is little less romantic than freezing cold feet, chilly sheets and no inclination to romp around naked for fear of hypothermia.

Make sure you crank the hotel heating up as high as possible, even asking the front desk to ensure that the room is cosy – sometimes the controls in the room do not actually work, and any changes must be done from reception.

A lovely warm room is an invitation to get naked, so make sure your hotel romance is going to be a success by heating things up!


When it comes to making a hotel room romantic making it smell amazing can be a winner.

Cedar wood is a wonderful manly smell, roses are heavenly and romantic. Scent can be added in a number of ways: you can use an air-freshening diffuser, bring along a bowl of pot pourri, spray your aftershave, or burn some fragrant joss (or incense) sticks.

Smell is one our most powerful senses, with a smell able to trigger very strong memories, even of events that are long distant or not terribly memorable. Make sure this scent is attached to a very good memory by making a hotel room romantic and welcoming for your partner.

Make sure you have plenty of Astroglide Water Based Personal Lubricant and Astroglide Silicone Based Personal Lubricant handy.   Silicone for the spa and shower and water based for the bed or lounge!! 

Dried Rose Petals

Rose petals are always going to go down a treat! If you really want to make a hotel room more romantic; going the extra mile and bringing dried rose petals will certainly impress.

Generously sprinkle the rose petals across the bed and on the floor, perhaps leading from the door all the way to the foot of the bed to create a perfect room for romance.

Now you have a few ideas about how to make a hotel room romantic, why not have a think about it and see which of the ideas will work best for you and your lover?